Book your ticket - Ticket sales end on 30th April

"For she has done a beautiful thing to me!"
Matthew 26:10 (ESV)

Join us for a unique summer LCF National Conference at Rydal Hall in the heart of the stunning Lake District.

What to expect from the conference:

  • Bible teaching, exploring streams of beauty in the legal world
  • Growth groups, to dig deeper into God's Word together, and for prayer
  • Outdoor activities, exploring the beauty of the Lake District
  • Relaxation, firepit chats, and plenty of time for old and new LCF friends

Our main speaker for the weekend is Dr Mark Fowler. Mark is an Australian lawyer whose specialist areas of advice include the law applying to schools, international aid organisations, retirement villages, aged care facilities and religious organisations. He also has a breadth of experience in property and commercial law, with a particular focus on the affordable, community and social housing sectors. He has advised many leading national and international charities across these fields. Mark is also the Chair of Australian Christian Legal Society Ltd.

Our main sessions include:
• Friday: Engaging Afresh with Beauty, followed by "She has done a beautiful thing to me"
• Saturday: A Brief Theology of Beauty – Bringing it home in our lives; Beauty & Injustice; Beauty, the Lawyer & Creativity
• Sunday: Beauty, & the Common Good; followed by a Panel Q&A event: "Beauty & the Everyday Experience of a Christian Lawyer".

The conference ticket includes lunchtime and evening meals, refreshments, and programmed activities. Rydal Hall, chapel, formal gardens grounds provide an inspirational setting for this year's conference, and are ideally in the centre of the Lake District National Park, between Ambleside and Grasmere.

Following purchase of the conference ticket you will receive a confirmation email with a booking code so that you can book accommodation directly with Rydal Hall. Please note that booking your accommodation is an additional cost.

Book your conference ticket 

For any enquiries, please contact us via

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