The Gospel has profound implications for the legal world, and has provided enormous historical benefit to the British legal system.
Christian lawyers realise that they are best equipped to serve in law if they do so together. That is why in 1852 they formed the Lawyers' Prayer Union in London. Subsequently renamed the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship (the LCF), the LCF has a long history of uniting and equipping Christian lawyers and witnessing to members of the legal profession.
With former patrons such as Lord Mackay and Lord Denning, the LCF continues to stretch to serve today. We want to see society served by our legal system, bringing people justice in substance as well as by proper process, and to see such justice really helping the most vulnerable where it counts on the ground – because all of this exhibits our faith and hope in God, who is passionate about justice and righteousness.
Today the LCF has a growing membership of more than 1,500 Christian lawyers and law students, with a network of regional groups spanning Britain, and international links which are particularly strong in East Africa.
We love it when Christian lawyers shape history with the Gospel. If you are a Christian lawyer or law student, join us in this work today.