Appeal for LCF General Funds
As a membership organisation our collective mission and ministry is funded by our joint contributions. In recent years we have worked hard to reduce expenditure, while supporting the work that matters to us all. Despite this, at the start of the year our financial reserves are uncomfortably low, which may lead to difficult decisions in the coming months about what we can or cannot afford to do. We wish to avoid this by making an urgent appeal to our members for financial support.
Can we ask you to consider a gift to the LCF to fuel our ministry?
With our love, prayers, and gratitude,
The LCF Staff Team
Online is the easiest form of giving for us to manage. If you would like to start giving online or change your current pattern of support from postal to online donations, please email us.
If you would like to do a direct bank transfer, please contact Moni for more information.
Regular giving
Direct Debit through GoCardless is now our preferred payment method.
If you prefer to set up a standing order, please email us for bank details.
One-off giving, or additional monthly or annual direct debits
You can make one off donations online by debit or credit card. Or a monthly or annual direct debit from your bank account.
Giving to CLEAR
If you wish to give specifically to CLEAR, further information can be found here.
Leaving a Lasting Legacy
As lawyers, we recognise the significance of making a will. As Christian lawyers, there's also a spiritual dimension: it gives us a wonderful opportunity to say 'thank you' to God, and to invest in a purpose which will last beyond our lifetime. Read more about leaving a legacy to LCF.
Thank you so much for your support!
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash