Map of KENYA

"In Africa it is said that justice is open to all ... and so is the Intercontinental Hotel."

In 1999, following a visit to the LCF national conference, a group of Kenyan Christian lawyers sough to set up the first CLEAR office. Recognising that there was no functioning legal aid provision and many people were suffering injustice due to a lack of knowledge or resources, the need was clear. Two recent UK graduates went out to help as interns and so the CLEAR office began.

From humble beginnings, there are now 4 offices across Kenya, providing community and prison legal education workshops, legal advice and representation for the poorest and those most in need, conducting radio education shows and in partnership with other groups, supporting test cases and working with the Kenyan government to implement fair and just laws.

Kenyan Prisoners

A few examples of situations turned around as a result of CLEAR Kenya's involvement:

  • length of time on remand in some prisons have fallen from 3-5 years to 18 months-3years,
  • street children are able to obtain ID cards, which enables them to work improving their opportunities,
  • children are being financially provided for by absent fathers, which improves their chances of a daily meal and attendance at school.

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