Whether gathering together, praying with one another, or partnering in service, we are part of a global fellowship of Christian lawyers. Our CLEAR partnerships continue to be central to our international networks, inspiring and encouraging members both here in the UK and those involved in local fellowships.  

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Within the CLEAR network this year, we have supported Christian lawyers in Burundi to open an office and recruit an office coordinator, to strengthen and grow their work to be a voice for the voiceless. Within the first three months, they have already:

• developed a database for casework, and strengthened communication with members,
• identified key volunteer advocates, and set up a discussion group chat for those in Bujumbura, and
• conducted several visits to Mpimba prison. Through these visits, they provided legal assistance to 53 prisoners (the vast majority of whom are women), and distributed food and clothing to over 20 infants currently in prison with their mothers.

Such amazing steps our friends have already made in developing the ministry and strengthening their fellowship! But for us, a deeper encouragement is how members of Lawyers of Hope, Rwanda, are walking alongside in prayer, and fellowship, offering mentoring, and sharing learning around finance and governance frameworks, building a strong foundation on which Advocates Burundi can grow and flourish. 

This Christmas please consider giving towards our CLEAR Appeal so that we can support our partners like Advocates Burundi, their members, and their witness to their communities.

Giving to the CLEAR Appeal means directly supporting our partners in four key areas: core costs; governance, accountability; capacity-building; and Gospel initiatives. To see what grants we have made so far in this financial year, please contact the International team or sign-up to the CLEAR Connect, a termly newsletter.

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News from our partners:

When a neighbour attempted to claim his land, A, an elderly gentleman, approached UCLF for help. UCLF took on his case - in 2014! The court recently issued their decision, confirming that A is the rightful owner of the land. A is now farming peacefully and able to grow food to help support more than 10 family dependents.  A has also recently made a commitment to follow Jesus, having observed the character and witness of the UCLF staff during the process. 

In Rwanda, they continue to focus on strengthening local community paralegals to provide legal education and initial counsel in areas where there are few if any lawyers. Over the summer, 27 paralegal volunteers were trained in a range of legal areas including family, land and succession, and child protection. Those volunteers assisted in delivering 76 legal education sessions, reaching over 600 individuals, and they received an initial 190 cases where community members sought legal advice and assistance for personal situations.