UCLF Fellowship

SJM 2017

Posted: 15 July 2017

On our penultimate day in Uganda, we visited the UCLF Office for a fellowship with them. Two of our team members (Priscilla and Rachel) encouraged the staff members with the Word, sharing lessons learnt from our team times on Philippians 1: 27 – 2: 11. They spoke about what partnership is in the Bible: uniting as one in common suffering for the glory of Christ. We discussed what partnership looks like practically: to do nothing out of selfish ambition, to consider others better than ourselves (2:3), and to look not only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others (2: 4). While this may be challenging, we have Christ as the ultimate example to emulate. Priscilla and Rachel also reminded us of the hope that we have in Christ's glory when He comes again. As Revelations 21:6 states, our God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. We can be encouraged by the fact that He has won the battle and one day there will be no more injustice in the world.

Please be praying with us on the following points:
Safe travels in Kenya
That the team will be able to process and reflect on the experiences that we have had in Rwanda and Uganda
For God's guidance as we strive to serve Him
For energy and closeness to God as we go through a packed schedule
For God's blessing on our partners in Kenya

Thank you very much for your prayers and for being with us on this journey!