Putting Pride in its Proper Place
Week beginning: 29th October, 2023 | By Mark Jones | Surrey
Now the Pharisees who had been sent questioned him, "Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?"
John 1:24-28 (NIV)
"I baptize with water," John replied, "but among you stands one you do not know. He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie."
This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was baptizing.
John's practice of baptism was, I understand, unusual. In many regards it made him special. People came to him; he had followers. It brought him to the attention of important people who wanted a personal audience with him.
In other regards, John's p
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