Students & Young Lawyers » Student Hubs
Student Hubs
Being a lawyer is a life-long profession. We want to integrate our faith fully with our practice and study of law, as we seek to serve Christ in the legal world. The LCF is concerned with the growth and maturity of Christian law students and lawyers, thus it is important to understand and practice law in a Christian way from the very beginning. With this in mind, LCF Hubs exist to encourage and equip you from the start of your career and beyond!
Student hubs are about connecting and equipping students who trust Jesus as Saviour and follow him as Lord, so they leave a gospel impact in the legal world. Through these hubs, students like you are supported, equipped, and mobilised to study faithfully as followers of Christ and bear witness to Him.
• Supported by Christ-centred relationships in the legal world.
• Equipped to apply Biblical truth to lawyers' realities.
• Mobilised to talk to lawyers about Jesus Christ.
Student hubs are an opportunity to study law in a community of fellow believers who want to see their studies shaped by the gospel and dig deeper into how our legal work can point to Jesus. This also creates a safe space to ask questions and explore some of the more challenging things on your course with others who are going through a similar experience and those who have gone before.
Also, the hubs aim to help you bear witness to the gospel. They are a place to encourage one another to put the gospel to work in your studies, in the academic debates you engage with, and in effective personal evangelism at Uni. Hubs are also well placed for evangelistic events aimed at your law department. Imagine the impact that having a witnessing community of students in a hub could have in your campus!
As the LCF group is not a church, nor is it the same as a Christian Union (CU), we do urge students (and junior lawyers) to be committed to their local church, and their CU's where appropriate. Student hubs are complementary to CU's where they exist, not an alternative.
We currently have Hubs running in Cambridge, York, Bristol, Liverpool and BPP London Waterloo. Contact us to get involved.
If there is no Law Network hub currently meeting in your CU, you could start one. Let us know you want to start a hub and we will assist you in setting this up.
With LCF prayer groups and main events happening across the country, there is always an event to join and qualified lawyers and judges to meet.